速報APP / 遊戲 / Learn ABC Games

Learn ABC Games



檔案大小:15.8 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.1 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

敘述:Best Way To Learn ABC's


Learn ABC Games(圖1)-速報App

Learn ABC,是一款通過結合字母和聲音來向年輕學習者介紹ABC的應用程序。語音意識對於幼兒發展適當的閱讀技能至關重要。閱讀是學習的基礎,也是未來學習(包括寫作和數學)所需的最前沿技能。給孩子們早期學習的奇妙禮物,使他們能夠領先於遊戲並建立可以加強學校和家庭學習的技能。事實證明,使學步兒童和學齡前兒童接觸早期語音意識可以提高課堂表現和在學校的整體成功率。

Learn ABC Games(圖2)-速報App

Learn ABC, is an app that teaches young learners the ABC’s by combining letters, with sounds. Phonological awareness is crucial for young children to develop proper reading skills. Reading is the foundation to learning and is the forefront skill that is required for future learning to happen including writing and math. Give your children the wonderful gift of early learning so that they can be ahead of the game and establish skills that will enforce school and home learning. Exposing toddlers and school aged children to early phonological awareness has been proven to increase classroom performance and overall success in school.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad